BOTIN Ireland
More than just a game
BOTÍN IRELAND is the fun way to learn a great deal about IRELAND,
as you improve your language skills.
Is bealach spraíúil é BOTÍN IRELAND chun go leor a fhoghlaimfaoi ÉIRE, agustú ag feabhsú do scileannateangacha
A game of strategy between cops and robbers for 3 to 6 players.
Cluichestraitéisei dirpóilíníagusrobálaithe do 3 go 6 imreoirí.
BOTÍN IRELAND is a family-friendly game designed for ages from 10 years and up.
Is cluiche cairdiúildon teaghlaché BOTÍN IRELAND atá dearthado aoiseanna10 mblianaagus níossine
Botin map of Ireland for Botin board game
The board shows where each town is in relation to the others and each card gives an interesting insight into one of the towns and the wonderful things you can find and do there.
An bord ancábhfuil gach baileig comparáid leis nacinneile agus tuganngach cártaléargas suimiúilarcheann de nabailte agus arnarudaíiontacha is féidirleataaimsiúagus a dhéanamh ann.
Totally bilingual English - Irish
Feabhas a chur ar do chuid Gaeilge agus tú ag imirt
Our mission is to make learning the Irish language fun and interesting.
We have created a totally bilingual board game where family and friends can chase each other around our beautiful Emerald Isle.
You will become an important part of the new and growing Gaelic resurgence, as you visit many of the interesting places that are so prevalent in our magical island.
You will learn about ancient traditions, language, villages, castles, art, crafts and read about them in English and your ever-improving Gaelic.
If you would like to support us - perhaps order BOTÍN for your family and friends...
Thank you
Sean O´Shea
Botin Games, Cork, Ireland
BOTÍN IRELAND has been created to be not only great fun to play, but also as a valuable educational tool for students of Ireland, its history and language.
CLICK HERE for information on special deals for educational establishments and students.
Botin Ireland is a Registered Industrial Design D0534903, VAu 1-491-263 and others.
All Rights Reserved 2022